1. SCADA Application – monitoring and control of wastewater pumping stations
Control and supervision of port wastewater stations
– Remote sensors monitoring (pH sensors, level sensors, pressure sensors, anti-theft sensors, fire sensors, etc.)
– Control of the distant station (start, stop, programming, flow control, ventilation control, etc.)
Architecture: Klöckner-Moeller GmbH Programmable logic PS4-341-MM1 + ZigBee/GSM equipment integrated with database, server applications and customized virtual instruments control station ( LabView )
2. SCADA Application – Monitoring and control water distribution dockside
In this project they have developed metering devices and ultraLowPower wireless communication (Zigbee) submersible, monitored and controlled by a SCADA application developed in LabView. The project goal is to develop an integrated system enabling control of water distribution on boats moored at the quay in the port of Constanta.
3. Virtualization laboratory – Imperial College London
Research in the laboratory of acoustics Imperial Colage, we developed a LabView to application which forms a virtualization lab instrumentation and control equipment installed into acoustic laboratory.
4. Monitoring access to IT racks-s Alpha Bank
Innodev developed a device that monitors the temperature and access in the rack and IT authorities of the bank. Real-time information are transmitted on wireless ultra-lowpower by a coordinator from the building. Each building coordinator transmits the information to the centralized monitoring application.