NPDIO WiFi (Zigbee) Car Parking Monitoring Solution
Network car monitoring solution
Solution overview
- Real Time control & data acquisition/processing capabilities
- Integration with third-party applications & databases
- IP/Ethernet/Wi-Fi/ZigBee/2G&3G connectivity options,
- providing high network reliability
- Information gathering from sensors
- Distributed architecture implementation
- Centralized management platform
- Parking places lines monitoring
- Lights or display information output
- Real time visibility regarding:
1. Free parking places (provide in 2nd phase)
2 .Occupied parking places (provide in 2nd phase)
3. Analysis (provide in 2nd phase)
4. Reports (provide in 2nd phase)
- Reporting possibility of history information (provide in 2nd phase)
- Cost cut in car parking monitoring
- Real time availability spots monitoring
- On demand statistics reports
- Real time blocking activity alarms
Implementation proposal
Genric study case high level view
- 13 zones of parking
- 32 sensors for parking places
- 13 Zigbee routers (repeaters)
- 5 Zigbee – Ethernet Gateway
- 4 NPDIO – CPU processor
- 13 lights signal one for each Area
Functionality flow
Ford study case low level view
- Sensors report to repeater
- Repeaters transmit to Gateway
- Gateways are connected to NPDIO witch light up the signal
Future development
- Parking places lines monitoring
- Lights or display information output
- Real time visibility regarding :
1. Free parking place
2. Occupied parking places
3. Analyses
4. Reports
- Reporting possibility of history information
Core device NPDIO40
- 100%bespokedesign& manufacturing
- Assuredscalability,initiatedfromthe Prototype phase
- Real-Timeprocessingandvisibility
- SignificantTCOsavingscompared with ‘vendor specific’ PLC programming
- Hot-Swapextensionboards
- Bosch Rexroth – Blaj
– NPDIO – ANDON implementation for real time production monitoring
- Constanta Harbor- Constanta
– Zigbee solution for debit water monitoring
- GPL gas stations
-System monitoring consumption Zigbeee based
- 100%bespoke design & manufacturing
- Assured scalability, initiated from the Prototype phase
- Real-Timeprocessing control & visibility
- Significant TCO savings compared with ‘vendor specific ’ PLC programming
- Hot-Swap extension boards providing ‘in production’ extension
- SCADA & HMI message forwarding
A proposition of Mindspeed Communications & Innodev
About ZigBee
- ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high-level communication protocols used to create personal area networks buit from small, low- power digital radios,
- ZigBee has a defined rate of 250 kbit/s, best suited for intermittent data transmissions from a sensor or input device
- ZigBee is based on an IEEE 802.15 standard